ITO - English Tlačiť

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The year 2012:

 Certificate (pdf)

Information about Iternational training office 

 The trading week of our school took place from 19th to 23rd of March. Students, preparing for this event since September, were enthusiasmed. They have exchanged business experiences of the foreign partner schools and practiced real business proces in their company. Application of theory of business and entertainment were two main goals of this activity. There is a short film about this project where students expressed their feelings.

Presentation (ppt): GREAT IDEA - 12

The catalogues of the companies:
Spirits Company·(pdf)

The year 2011:

The catalogues of the companies:
Rummy (pdf)
Wellness4You (pdf)
William (pdf) 

Certificate (pdf)

Vocational training in The Netherlands (December 2007)


Every year in December students of the fourth class at Business Academy in Považská Bystrica have two weeks´ vocational training. This year for the two of us it was different – we had vocational training in The Netherlands while other students could have it only in the Slovak companies.

It has been the first time Business Academy in Považská Bystrica carried out something like this. After several years of endeavour and cooperation with Dutch school ROC van Twente in Hengelo we could get through with our vocational training in department store V& D in Hengelo.

This department store consists of many departments. For example household equipment, lady’s department, man’s department, children’s department, department with Christmas goods and some more.

The first day we had an interview about what we like, do not like, where we had already had vocational training in the past. The next days we tried to work nearly in every department. Every kind of work was not very interesting for us, but the work with employees of the department store was enjoyable. We had to communicate in foreign languages (English, German) because nobody could understand Slovak. We learnt a lot. In our free time we got to know the city of Hengelo and its surroundings. We learnt a lot about organization of work and about employees in a department store in a foreign country. We made friends with Dutch people and we had fun with the German guests who stayed in The Hotel Tuindorp. In every shop we met people who were very nice.

This kind of training is a big experience for us. It would be a pity if our school did not continue with it.

Dominika and Katka

From history:

In the school year 2003/2004 our school got a grant from Socrates, subprogramme Comenius.
The topic for the school project is: "An international training company and e-mail ( ITEC)".
The seat of the coordinating school is in Bremen in Germany. The schools from Oradea in Romania , Hengelo in Holland, Beveren in Belgium, Holstebro and Sonderborg in Denmark, Považská Bystrica in Slovakia participate in this project.

The task of the students is to found a company, design a logo with its graphic depiction, work out a catalogue of products, establish a web-site and do business with products during ITO weeks. The students write enquiries, offers, orders and negotiate over the prices. The students use different ways of communication: fax, telephone, internet. They communicate in English language.

During these weeks the programme of the project was discussed and evaluation of the ITO weeks was included:

Date Place of meeting Participating towns
5th October – 8th October 2003 Považská Bystrica Bremen, Hengelo, Beveren, Oradea, Sonderborg foto
22nd February-25th February 2004 Bremen Hengelo, Oradea, Holstebro, Považská Bystrica
2nd June – 5th June 2004 Oradea Beveren, Holstebro, Považská Bystrica

6th October – 9th October 2004 Považská Bystrica Bremen, Hengelo, Holstebro, Oradea, Beveren foto
9th May – 10th May 2005 Bremen Oradea, Považská Bystrica Candles in Bremen
16th June – 19th June 2005 Oradea Bremen, Považská Bystrica

31st January – 2nd February 2007 Považská Bystrica Hengelo foto


From the experience of the students:

Katarína Novotná boasts: " I was afraid of making calls, but now it is OK. We have earned 45.000 sk so far."

"The preparation for the organisation of the project and catalogues lasted about three months. But after imposing tasks everything was made much easier. Making a call sometimes we have a problem, because we cannot hear well our business partner who is on the phone. But we are able to solve every problem" says Zdenka Faktorová a secretary.

"A man has to learn how to work in a fictive company. I think it is a good experience for our future. One day we can start to run our company. Now we still have a lot of duties. I think in the future more web–sites can make our work easier" says Adriana Benešová.

The year 2010: Play video
The catalogues of the companies:
Bodybuilder (pdf)
Super Quad (pdf)
Kabel (pdf)
White cat (pdf)

Certificate (pdf)

The year 2009
The catalogues of the companies:
Article (pdf)
M-Glasses (pdf)
Picture book (pdf)

The New Certificate (pdf)


The year 2008:
The catalogues of the companies:

flogar (pdf)
HDVIEW (pdf)
WaterProof (pdf)
Welness (pdf)

Cheque (doc)

The year 2007
The catalogues of the companies:
Aqua Trade (pdf)
Furniturestyle (pdf)
Slovan Furniture (pdf)

The year 2006
The catalogues of the companies:
Dreaming (pdf)
Paradise (pdf)
DECOwalls (pdf)
Flack (pdf)

The year 2005
The catalogues of the companies:
blick (pdf)
gloobirne (pdf)
magic lights (pdf)
magic glass (pdf)
heavenly crystals (pdf)

The year 2004
The catalogues of the companies:
Slovglass (pdf)
Superglass (pdf)

Posledná úprava Štvrtok, 29 Marec 2012 15:15